Carina Hahn

Co Founder of OLYMP (sustainable real estate marketing) | 💡Co Founder of Elfz’n’Trollz (Web3 marketing) |🎙Podcast Co Host (38% Städte neu denken)

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Co Founder of Elfz’n’Trollz (Web3 marketing)


Catch the speaker at these sessions

Talks about #web3, #marketing, #technology, #futurecities, and #urbandevelopment

Carina Hahn

Some of our speakers

You'll be in great company!
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Nikita FREEBOID Khudiakov
Founder of CryptoArt Ukraine community, multidisciplinary artist, art collector, educator, art curator
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Dr. Florian Zawodsky
Tax Advisor - NFT degen - Referee, EY
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Ania Pilipenko
CEO / Founder of
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Jeth Ang
COO and Co-Founder BreederDAO